
Integrity as a Sufi

Puran Füchslin

A text of Hazrat Inayat Khan on mureedship in PDF - click

Dear friends, if there is need on your side to know about the history regarding the succession of the work of Hazrat Inayat Khan, you can contact me personally under Email puran@petama.ch

Please understand that I am not interested neither in gossip nor in poking in old wounds, it is a matter of restoring and healing.

The work and activity of the Petama Project has no connection with the organisations which have taken over the heritage of Hazrat Inayat Khan's life work in an institutional way, with initiations, membership fees and a culture of 'disciple-leaders' which creates financial, emotional and social dependence, due to the lack of clarity of motives on the side of the leaders, and marketing strategies distorting the meaning and understanding of Hazrat Inayat Khan's teachings.

This separation has taken place in 2006 in a written agreement between the leaders of the Sufi Movement, (i.e. with Hidayat Inayat-Khan and Johannes Witteveen, as joint heads of the Sufi Movement, both signed the paper of separation) on one side, and Puran, responsible for the Petama Project on the other. All issues and reasons for this separation have been pointed out, listed and taken notice of - both parties have consciously done this step.

When you enter the Sufi school with an initiation, a new form of commitment and responsibility commences, both on the side of the initiator and the initiate. Both are not only two human beings who link themselves in their hearts, but both, in a new way, become equally responsible for all those who are by birth linked to them, family, parents, children. The Sufi initation does not replace the responsibility for the natural links of birth, it is a commitment to become more respectful, deeper, sincerer with all human beings, with whom destiny has linked us.

Whoever takes responsibility as an initiator is not only standing before his or her own inner responsibility and conscience, but is also subject to the laws of each country, which guarantee the invulnerability of each individual's personality and integrity.

An often used legitimation to disregard these fundamental human rights, for which so many generations have been struggling to achieve, is what often is termed 'crushing of the ego', Hazrat Inayat Khan is very clear about the meaning of this word, please take a look at the PDF attached. The ego should learn to be in service to Life.

There are adults with responsibilities towards children, children, people with deep pain in their hearts who are being placed into situations where social contacts and networks, necessary to function as responsible human beings, break down. Various methods are being used to bring about situations of despair in the lives of individuals, using group pressure, neglecting human care. This is not what life is about. It is not human to take advantage of needs, be it on a moral or financial level.

Whoever in connection with the Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan has come in contact with such mechanisms, is welcome to contact the Petama Project, I will support all in need.

Sincerity is the jewel that forms in the shell of the heart

Hazrat Inayat Khan - Bowl of Saki