
Welcome to the Petama Project, bienvenidos

The Petama Project is a working concept, which received its first shape in 1978 and since then tried to find answers to the deep questions of today's life, where structures in our individual life and society seem to guarantee an outer well-being, and the world nevertheless is not growing towards what humanity should become, and will be one day. The Teachings and Life Work of Hazrat Inayat Khan are keys to many of these questions - (click on the links). Purification in crucial times - click here!

An Answer to the Cry of Humanity

The Petama Project offers musical teachings, concerts and events, a bookshop, videos, meditations and studies of old Sufi teachings which touch us as deeply today, as they have done for a thousand years, workshops about topics of everyday life, examples of what is called 'The Art of Personality'.

Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882 - 1927) has given the world a wide range of great teachings, the 'Bowl of Saki' is a cycle of aphorisms, one for each day of the year. Short daily reflections on his teachings you can find by clicking on this notice here.

Y para los visitantes de lengua española - aquí hay una sección en vuestra lengua... y un libro Ebook recién traducido: 99 Nombres Más Hermosos de Shaikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi al Halveti. Purificación en tiempos cruciales - clicad aquí.

The Field of Life: ...Pure filigrane light - September - Thank you for your friendship - Gracias por vuestra amistad - la Obra de Hoy en una imagen.

Precise inner and outer work creates solid rails! Let us work carefully!

Bowl of Saki - Schale des Saki - Cuenco del Saki October 22

All forms of worship or prayer
must draw us human beings closer to God.

Alle Formen der Anbetung oder Gebet
werden uns Menschen näher zu Gott bringen.

Todas las formas de culto o oración
atraen a nosotros seres humanos más cerca a Dios.

Bowl of Saki - Aphorisms for every Day -Schale des Saki - Aphorismen für jeden Tag - Cuenco del Saki-Aforismos,cada Día dell Año

The Sufi Topic of October deals with: 'Joy of the Lover, Love bring forth Love, Sorrow of a Lover', excerpts from the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan - 'Love, Human and Divine'

You can also listen to all teachings.

Here you find a row of Ebooks on various topics, reflections and Sufi stories, free of costs.

If you wish, you can learn music with me, singing, rhythms, Flamenco guitar, all forms of guitar playing, piano, drums and arranging - composing - have a look at the portrait.

Here is a musical jewel, the music of Hidayat I. Khan.

The issue of integrity on the Sufi Path is as vital to be observed closely as in the times of Hazrat inayat Khan walking on this earth

© 2024 Petama Project