Sohbet of the Week (42 - 24)

Hydrabad poetry around 1910 – 14

Hazrat Inayat Khan, during his stay at the Court of the Nizam of Hydrabad around 1910, collected a rich variety of poetry and music, which is published in the ‘Minqār-i-Musiqār’, presented in our earlier Sohbets – the book is available at Sulukpress.

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Ghazal of Hafiz – Rāg Bhairavī, Tāl Qavālī


 If that Turkish woman of Shiraz would lay hold of my heart,

I would give Samarqand and Bukhara for her dark mole.


Saqi, pour what remains of the wine,

for in heaven is not to be found

the banks of the river Ruknabad,

nor the rose of the garden Musalla.


The beauty of the friend can do without our imperfect love,

what need has a beautiful face of luster and colour, mole and line?


Tell the tale of singer and wine,

worry less about the secret of fare,

for wisdom never helped anyone solve this puzzle,

and never will.


You spoke a ‘ghazal’, you threaded pearls;

Hafiz, come sing sweetly that the heavens

may scatter over your verse the stringed Pleiades


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Dear friends, here is a wonderful website - an overview over all the many outstanding poets

which the Indian Sufi Culture has brought in the course of the many centuries.


Poet Seers - Sufi Poets

Dear friends, here are the collected 'Sohbets' 2024, much joy listening!